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The Impassable Creek And The Missed Party

Alice White

I had every intention of going to the Writer’s group Christmas party and made preparations last night to this end. I wrapped my ‘Secret Santa’ book. My food (kindly cooked by my husband… his contribution since he was not attending) all ready in a glass dish covered in foil. I picked out my clothes for today, placing them on the end of the bed, and set the alarm for 8.30 am so that I would get up in plenty of time to get ready at a leisurely pace.

In bed by midnight last night, preparations complete, I heard and saw the storm raging outside. Thunder of Thor and lightning of Zeus, accompanied by a deluge akin to the biblical floods pestered me mercilessly. It took a while to reach that sublime stupor we humans call sleep, but along it came in fits and starts, punctuated by episodes of bang and flash at regular intervals.

I could tell that the rain was not letting up anytime soon, and the concern about the promised freezing temperatures weighed heavily upon my mind. If that rain froze, I would not get out of my front door in the morning without skating around on the sun-starved front step, let alone cross the creek.

This morning, I obeyed the alarm clock without question. Thankfully, the freeze never reached us. But, the creek… the creek was UP and running FAST. We could see it from the dining room window, but Hubby went down with the Jeep to check it at closer range. Returning, he told me his thoughts on the matter.

“We might make it across…but it’s very risky. I got about a third of the way across, just before the dip…and could feel the creek under the jeep’s floor. It’s haulin’ ass.”

I would have hated to see our jeep floating downstream…and with us inside. So, I called my neighbour, whom I was to travel with to the party, to tell her my woeful news. I would have to pass on the party. She was to pick me up on the other side of our creek…except I could not get to the other side of the rain-filled and torrential creek, which was doing a good impression of a total impasse.

‘Our creek isn’t often impassable, but when it is, it’s usually when we have plans.’

So, here I am…disappointed, placing the bean casserole into the fridge, the book back upon the shelf (still in its wrapping paper currently) and the party-clothes back into the closet…

I do hope everyone that does make it enjoys themselves and makes it there and back in complete safety. Maybe next year I shall be able to join you all…

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And a Happy (if wet) Winter Solstice!

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